Hi everybody,
how have you spent your Easter Monday? Picnic? Trip or what?
I was supposed to stay at home with the children, but at 2 o' clock the mum said to me I was free to go out and enjoy my Bank holiday! I immediatly thought about some shopping to relax and so I did.
I went to buy a blue cardigan to wear with a dress I never weared before, because it is a summer dress and it isn't yet too warm outside to use it. But now with the cardigan I can do it.
I bought a pair of sandals, really really cude. They are antic pink (really on fashion this year) with crystals and bowls. Perfect to wear with skinny jeans or short dresses.
After a bit of shopping I decided to go to Binns to buy some make up. Infact I found in a magazine a foundation sample (Clarins skin illusion) with which I falled in love.
I went in the cosmetics department and I asked to an assistent some help. She was really nice and she insisted to apply me some make up on.
You know, I always wondered if the people I see in the cosmetic department sitting on the beauty chair pay to have the make up or not. I had the answer... Depends... If you have booked a special make up appointment and you are there not to buy but to have a treatment (maybe because you have a wedding or a special date and you would like to be perfect) you pay for the service, but if you want to buy something and you are not really sure it is the right product for you they try it on your skin and to convince you you look beautiful thanks to that product they make up you to make you look amazing... at the end seeing the kindness of the assistent and how gorgeous you look you will buy the cosmetic and they will have your money;-)
Paying the foundation I realized I had only few pounds less, but instead of becoming sad I smiled... few pounds are what I needed for a Starbucks hot chocolate and some macaroons!!!
Ciao a tutte carissime,
allora dove avete passato quest'anno Pasquetta? Montagna, mare o in un parco divertimenti?
Dopo un po' di shopping ho deciso di andare da Binns per acquistare del make up. Ho infatti trovato in una rivista di moda un campiocino di fondotinta (Clarins Skin Illusion) ed è stato amore alla prima applicazione:-)
Arrivata nel reparto cosmetici ho chiesto aiuto ad un'assistente, che molto gentilmente ha insistito per truccarmi.
Sapete, mi sono sempre chiesta se le donne che vedevo venire truccate nei centri commerciali pagassero o meno e ora ho la risposta...
Dipende....Infatti se prenotate una seduta di make up per un evento speciale (matrimonio o un appuntamento galante per il quale dovete essere perfette) allora dovrete pagare per il servizio...ma se vi trovate nel reparto make up e volete acquistare un prodotto del quale però non siete sicure, allora la commessa, per convincervi che è il prodotto che fa per voi, vi truccherà (speranzosa che, una volta visti i risulatti compriate il tutto).
Pagando il fondotinta mi sono resa conto che nel portafoglio mi erano rimaste poco più di 5 sterline, ma invece di rattristarmi, ho sorriso: l'esatta cifra per una cioccolata calda da Starbucks e alcuni macaroons:-)
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